Thursday, August 18, 2011

My review of STARCROSSED

When I started this book, I absolutely loved all the references to The Iliad and Greek mythology. I loved the character of Claire and the entire Delos clan. Helen, not so much. I thought she was a terrible heroine. She hated to stand out in a crowd, she was somewhat boring and I could not understand how Claire wanted to spend time with someone like her. She did redeem herself as the book progressed and she became more involved with the Delos family, she became stronger and more in tuned to her natural demigod abilities. Her introduction to Lucas and her attempt at killing him when they first met added a wonderful edge to the story. I found myself wondering 'what the heck is going on?' How are these two going to get together?

Scions are a new and unique group introduced into the mythology of the story, they are demigods. Children of the Gods involved in the Trojan War. The Gods themselves played a minor role, they are not participants in the story of Starcrossed. The mythology of the book is somewhat twisted from what I remember from school. I'll have to go back and reread The Iliad.

I've read several reviews that compare Starcrossed with the Twilight series. I can see some similarities but much prefer this book. I cannot wait until the second book in the series is released. I loved the character of Hector and cannot wait to see what happens to him

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds great! I love mythology- so when you mentioned that it is related I was hooked! I enjoyed this review.

    I found you through Book Blogs and signed up to follow you. When you have a chance- please stop by the blog for my middle grade novel that I am hoping to get published.

    Take care-
    Jess- although I may show up as Fairday, the main character from my novel. I can't figure out why that happens sometimes and I can't fix it. :)
