Publication Date: April 1, 2015 Lake Union Publishing Formats: eBook, Paperback ISBN-10: 1477821384 Genre: Historical Fiction
Long before she ran away with Paris to Troy, Helen of Sparta was haunted by nightmares of a burning city under siege. These dreams foretold impending war—a war that only Helen has the power to avert. To do so, she must defy her family and betray her betrothed by fleeing the palace in the dead of night. In need of protection, she finds shelter and comfort in the arms of Theseus, son of Poseidon. With Theseus at her side, she believes she can escape her destiny. But at every turn, new dangers—violence, betrayal, extortion, threat of war—thwart Helen’s plans and bar her path. Still, she refuses to bend to the will of the gods. A new take on an ancient myth, Helen of Sparta is the story of one woman determined to decide her own fate.
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About the Author
Amalia Carosella graduated from the University of North Dakota with a bachelors degree in Classical Studies and English. An avid reader and former bookseller, she writes about old heroes and older gods. She lives with her husband in upstate New York and dreams of the day she will own goats (and maybe even a horse, too). For more information, visit her blog at She also writes fantasy and paranormal romance as Amalia Dillin.
You can also connect with Amalia on Facebook, Goodreads, and Twitter here and here.
my thoughts:
We've all heard the story of Helen of Troy. In some versions, Helen is a victim, in others, she's a temptress, but always the story revolves around Paris and 'the war'. Well, this is a different tale. This is the years prior to the great war. The years of Helen's youth and her capture by Theseus, King of Athens. The story of Helen's abduction by Theseus is a mere footnote in the books, but the author has managed to create a compelling and highly entertaining story revolving around Helen's time with Theseus. Years before her marriage to Menelaus, years before Paris, years before the great battles. As we discover, one cannot escape one's fate. What do I mean by this? Well, no spoilers, you just have to read the book to find out! Would the great battle have even occurred if Helen had not been 'abducted' by Theseus? Intriguing thought. This Helen is a likable, charming young woman. She is not the meek victim, nor is she a frivolous simpleton. She is a strong, independent young woman attempting to foil the will of the petty and foolish gods. She is a daughter of Zeus, ignored by her father and living with a mortal mother, Leda, who feels both contempt and disdain for her. If you like the ancient stories, if you like stories with strong women, you will enjoy this version of Helen's story.
Helen of Sparta Blog Tour Schedule
Wednesday, April 1 Review at Unshelfish Review at Let Them Read BooksThursday, April 2 Review at Flashlight Commentary
Friday, April 3 Interview at Flashlight Commentary
Saturday, April 4 Review at History From a Woman's Perspective
Monday, April 6 Review at Curling Up By the Fire Spotlight at A Literary Vacation
Tuesday, April 7 Spotlight at
Wednesday, April 8 Review at Historical Reads and Views
Thursday, April 9 Review at Oh, For the Hook of a Book!
Friday, April 10 Review at With Her Nose Stuck in a Book
Monday, April 13 Interview at Book Babe Spotlight at Historical Fiction Obsession
Tuesday, April 14 Review at Forever Ashley
Wednesday, April 15 Review at Just One More Chapter Spotlight at CelticLady's Reviews
Thursday, April 16 Review at 100 Pages a Day
Friday, April 17 Review at Impressions in Ink
Saturday, April 18 Spotlight at Passages to the Past
Monday, April 20 Review at Book Lovers Paradise Interview at The Maiden's Court
Tuesday, April 21 Review at Broken Teepee
Wednesday, April 22 Review at Ageless Pages Reviews